1. Be a better learner
Strive to learn more often, and from more avenues than you have before. We live in a connected world, where access to information (both good and bad) is all around us. One suggestion to get the ball rolling is to start listening to a podcast that expands your thinking. There will be a few listed below , but I want to further explain my reasoning. There are expansive libraries of podcasts that vary in theme. Some of my favorite podcasts are not focused on healthcare or physical therapy, but they do help me understand elements that drive our business like consumer demand and brand recognition. These typically short (15-30 minutes) audio lectures can be listened to while driving to work or exercising, and can be extremely impactful to our thinking and business practices.
2. Invest in Important Not Urgent
I know this is easier said than done, but stop making large impactful decisions just because something became urgent. If this something is truly important give it the time and resources necessary to make the right decision. For example, I’ve heard too many practice owners explain why they changed their compensation structure on an annual basis because a staff member questioned their pay or bonus. This is a huge topic and should be considered with extreme thought and investment. Be someone who is making investments in the important things that truly define your business and who you are as a person instead of the fire fighter always solving the world’s most urgent problem.
3. Hold Strongly to Consistency and Loosely to Gimmicky
I’m not even sure “gimmicky” is a word but you know what I’m getting at. There will be trends and new ideas that arise constantly. I’m not advocating for blinders or ear plugs when these ideas come along. Give them due process and hear them out, but don’t be the business that has an ever-changing identity because of “the next best thing.” Over and over, I’ve heard the sentiment “I’ve seen that one before.” The reality is that these trends often come and go. It’s not wrong to be profitable off a gimmick, but don’t drop the consistent practices that made you the strong business you are today.